Innovative software created by Logica, that born on a base version and can be personalized for each company by dedicated setup; in this way it is possible to use it on any machine model, with similar or completely different characteristics.
The two software’s functionalities are completely integrated each other and it’s possible to support any Windows platform like XP, 7, 8, 10… with any resolution.
The Graphic part of the software is very fast and smart, with the possibility to work with more windows in the meantime, and it’s full of utilities such as functions Copy, multiple copy, paste, geometric functions, Undo, Grid, etc. Even the tools created by Logica are very easy to use and studied for knitting sector and for high level graphic draws. The Logica’s software greatest strength and features consists on offer an intuitive product, easy and fast, that can be used by users without a big experience to create great graphic draws, but it can be used by high level engineers and programmers too, to program and draw specific graphic solutions thanks to their experience.
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There’s a Help online support to help the user in any moment, and there are supported Unicode for oriental languages too, everything with the possibility to take a draw from a scanner, print with grid, custom color reduction, etc.
Machine Program
About the programming part of the software, it’s possible to choose colors by a special Gallery create by Logica and every automation is worked by Modules that allow a rapid and easy possibility to modify, edit and manage the Integral Garment in a completely automatic way simply calling related Modules.