Privacy Policy
Last updated: June 05, 2024

Dear Concerned Party,

We wish to inform you that the “European Regulation 2016/679 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data” (hereinafter “GDPR”) provides for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data as a fundamental right. In accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR, therefore, we hereby inform you that:


The data controller will process your personal data such as:

  • Automatically collected data. The computer systems and dedicated applications for the operation of this website, during their normal operation, collect certain data (whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols) potentially associated with identifiable users. Among the collected data are included IP addresses and domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.), and other parameters concerning the operating system, browser, and computer environment used by the user. This data is processed, for the time strictly necessary, for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on the use of the site and to ensure its proper functioning. The provision of such data is mandatory as it is directly related to the web browsing experience.
  • Data provided voluntarily by the user. The voluntary and explicit sending of emails to the addresses indicated in the different access channels of this website does not require consent, and any completion of specifically prepared forms results in the subsequent acquisition of the sender/user’s address and data, necessary to respond to the requests made and/or provide the requested service. Your voluntary submission of emails to our email addresses does not require further information or requests for consent. On the contrary, specific summary information will be reported or displayed on the website pages prepared for particular on-demand services (forms). Therefore, the user must explicitly consent to the use of the data provided in these forms to submit the request.
  • Cookies. The website does not use third-party technical/profiling cookies that may collect users’ browsing data, the provision of which is optional and occurs through the expression of free and informed consent. Cookies operate to analyze the effectiveness of the site and make it easier and more intuitive over time. The data collected through cookies is used to make the browsing experience more enjoyable and efficient in the future, by attempting to assess user behaviour and modify the content offering proposition based on their behaviour. For more information, a dedicated cookie policy is available.
  • We use Users’ personal information for the following purposes:

– Order Processing: We use the information provided by Users during purchase to process orders for virtual products and provide related customer support.

– Communications: We use Users’ email addresses to send information and updates regarding orders, purchased products and services, as well as to respond to their support and assistance requests.

– Service Improvement: We use feedback provided by Users to improve our products, services, and the overall user experience on the Site.

– Marketing: We may use Users’ information to send them marketing communications, newsletters, and special offers related to our products and services, but only if the User has given explicit consent to receive such communications.


Processing related to the web services of this site takes place at the aforementioned data controller’s headquarters.

The data will be processed by the Data Controller and handled only by technical and administrative staff in charge of processing, or by any persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations, depending on the purpose to be achieved based on the request of the data subject. No data deriving from the web service will be disclosed. The list of any data processors is available at the Data Controller’s premises and can be requested via email at the above-mentioned address.


The processing of your data is based on your consent and is carried out for the following purpose: Improving the web browsing experience.


Within the relevant limits of the processing purposes indicated, your data may be disclosed to partners, consulting firms, private companies, appointed Data Processors by the Data Controller, or for legal obligations or to fulfil your specific requests. Your data will not be disclosed in any way unless. The Data Processors and those in charge of processing are promptly identified in the Privacy Document, updated periodically.


The collected data is not subject to transfer abroad.


The collected data will be retained for a period not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed (“principle of storage limitation,” Art. 5, GDPR) or based on deadlines prescribed by law. Periodic checks on the obsolescence of stored data in relation to the purposes for which they were collected are conducted.


The data subject always has the right to request from the Data Controller access to their data, rectification or erasure of such data, restriction of processing, or the right to object to processing, as well as the right to data portability. The data subject can also revoke consent to processing and assert these and other rights provided by the GDPR through a simple communication to the Data Controller. The data subject may also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.


The provision of your data is mandatory during the navigation of our website.


The personal data provided by you will be subject to processing operations in compliance with the aforementioned regulations and the confidentiality obligations that inspire the activities of the Data Controller. The data will be processed using both computerized and paper-based means, as well as any other suitable type of support, in compliance with adequate security measures pursuant to Article 5(1)(f) of the GDPR.


  1. Data Security: Despite our efforts to protect users’ personal information, using the software entails some risks to data security. Unauthorized third parties may potentially access users’ personal information without authorization. We implement appropriate security measures to safeguard user information, but we cannot guarantee the complete security of information transmitted through the software.
  2. Software Vulnerability: The software may be subject to vulnerabilities or defects that could be exploited by third parties for malicious purposes. We are committed to promptly monitoring and resolving any vulnerabilities or defects in the software to ensure the security and integrity of user information.
  3. Data Loss: There is a risk that user data may be lost or damaged due to hardware failures, human errors, or unforeseen events such as cyberattacks or natural disasters. We implement regular backup procedures and data protection measures to mitigate the risk of data loss, but we cannot guarantee the complete inviolability of data.
  4. Privacy Violations: Despite our efforts to protect user privacy, there is a risk that users’ personal information may be subject to privacy violations by third parties or unauthorized access. We are committed to complying with privacy laws and implementing security measures to protect users’ personal information.
  5. Improper Use of the Software: Users may misuse the software or violate applicable laws and regulations. We disclaim any liability for any improper use of the software by users and reserve the right to take appropriate actions to prevent or stop any illegal or harmful activities.


The software provided by Logica is intended for users in the textile industry in general. However, it is important to note that the use of the software may entail risks to the health of users. Please consider the following points:

  1. Medical Consultation: Before using the software, users are advised to consult with a qualified medical professional, especially if they have pre-existing medical conditions or if they have any questions regarding their health status.
  2. Side Effects: Some users may experience side effects or adverse reactions to the use of the software. It is important to carefully monitor one’s health status while using the software and consult a doctor if any abnormal or concerning symptoms occur.
  3. Software Limitations: The software may not be suitable for all individuals or may not be able to provide accurate analysis in certain situations. It is important to understand the limitations of the software and never to substitute the recommendations or judgment of a medical professional with the information provided by the software.
  4. Personal Responsibility: Users are responsible for the use of the software and for any consequences arising from the use of the software for monitoring their own health or that of others. Logica S.r.l. disclaims any liability for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the software for medical or diagnostic purposes.


The software provided by Logica S.r.l. can be used in connection with machinery or industrial equipment. However, it is important to understand the potential risks and damages associated with the use of the software on machinery. Please consider the following points:

  1. Security Risk: Using the software on machinery can pose risks to the safety of operators or technicians interacting with the machinery. Users are responsible for understanding and adhering to appropriate safety procedures when using the software on machinery.
  2. Potential Malfunctions: The software may not be compatible or may cause malfunctions in the machinery or industrial equipment to which it is applied. It is important to carefully test the software before using it on operational machinery and to closely monitor its operation to detect any issues or anomalies.
  3. Material Damage: Using the software on machinery may result in material damage to the machinery itself or to other connected equipment. Users are responsible for any material damages resulting from the use of the software and must take appropriate precautions to protect machinery and equipment from damage.
  4. Production Damage: Malfunctions or issues with the software can negatively impact production or business operations. It is important to understand the potential impacts of the software on production activities and to take timely corrective measures to minimize risks and production damages.
  5. Limitation of Liability: Logica S.r.l. disclaims all liability for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the software on machinery or industrial equipment. Users use the software at their own risk and are responsible for any consequences arising from the use of the software on machinery.


Resellers of the software provided by Logica S.r.l. are required to understand and adhere to the following points regarding the use of the software on machinery or industrial equipment:

  1. Risk Information: Resellers are required to inform their customers about the potential risks and damages associated with using the software on machinery. It is important to clearly and comprehensively convey all relevant information about the risks and precautions to be taken when using the software on machinery.
  2. Training and Support: Resellers are responsible for providing adequate training and support to their customers to ensure safe and effective use of the software on machinery. This may include training sessions on software usage, technical consultation, and assistance in implementing the software on customers’ machinery.
  3. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Resellers are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the use and distribution of the software on machinery. This may include industry-specific regulations, workplace safety regulations, and product liability laws.
  4. Limitation of Liability: Logica S.r.l. disclaims all liability for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the software on machinery by resellers or their customers. Resellers are responsible for any consequences arising from the use of the software on their customers’ machinery and must take necessary measures to protect their customers from risks and damages.


Resellers distributing or using our software may be exposed to risks and damages similar to those of end users. It is important to understand the potential risks and damages resulting from the use of the software by resellers. Please consider the following points:

  1. Security Risk: Resellers may be exposed to security risks resulting from the use of the software, such as data security breaches or unauthorized access to customer information. It is important to implement adequate security measures to protect customer information and prevent any security breaches.
  2. Legal Liability: Resellers may be held liable for any damages or injuries caused by the use of the software by their customers. It is important to consult with a legal professional to fully understand the legal liabilities of resellers and take appropriate measures to protect their interests.
  3. Translation or Localization Defects: If the software is translated or localized for international markets, defects in translation or localization may occur that could negatively impact the user experience. Resellers must be aware of such risks and take measures to ensure the quality and accuracy of translations and localizations.
  4. Technical Support and Updates: Resellers may be required to provide technical support and updates to their customers to ensure the proper functioning of the software. It is important to establish clear procedures and policies for managing technical support and updates and communicate transparently with customers regarding these matters.
  5. Limitation of Liability: Logica S.r.l. disclaims all liability for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the software by resellers or their customers. Resellers use the software at their own risk and are responsible for any consequences arising from the use of the software.


Logica S.r.l is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations in Canada, including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). In accordance with PIPEDA and other Canadian privacy laws, we are committed to protecting the personal information of our users and customers.

In dealing with personal information of Canadian individuals, Logica s-r-l undertakes to:

  1. Collect, use, and disclose personal information only for specific and legitimate purposes, and only with the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law.
  2. Protect personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, misuse, or loss, using appropriate technical and organizational security measures.
  3. Provide individuals with access to their personal information and the opportunity to correct any errors or inaccuracies.
  4. Provide a clear explanation of the practices for collecting, using, and disclosing personal information in our privacy notices.

For more information about our compliance with Canadian privacy laws and our privacy policy, we invite you to contact our privacy officer.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files sent from the website to the user’s device (usually to the browser), where they are stored to be transmitted back to the website upon the user’s next visit. A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from the user’s hard drive nor transmit computer viruses or acquire email addresses. Each cookie is unique to the user’s web browser. Some cookie functions may be delegated to other technologies. In this document, the term ‘cookie’ refers to both cookies themselves and all similar technologies.

Through cookies, it is possible to record information related to your preferences, such as the pages visited or file downloads from our website, or other similar actions performed while browsing our site.

First-party or third-party cookies

Cookies can be first-party or third-party, where “first-party” refers to cookies developed by the owner of the website itself, while “third-party” refers to cookies developed by third parties other than the owner of the website.

Nature of cookies

Regarding the nature of cookies, there are different types:

  1. Technical Cookies

Technical cookies are those used solely to carry out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide that service.

They are not used for any other purposes and are typically installed directly by the website owner or manager. They can be divided into:

– Navigation or session cookies: They ensure the normal navigation and use of the website (for example, allowing a purchase to be made or logging in to access restricted areas); they are necessary for the proper functioning of the site.

– Analytics cookies: Considered technical cookies when used directly by the website operator to collect information, in aggregate form, about the number of users and how they visit the site, in order to improve its performance.

– Functionality cookies: They allow the user to navigate based on a series of selected criteria (such as language or products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided. The prior consent of users is not required for the installation of such cookies (more information in the Cookie Management section below).

  1. Profiling Cookies

Profiling cookies are intended to create user profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during online browsing.

For the use of profiling cookies, the consent of the interested party is required. In accordance with decree no. 229 of May 8, 2014, the user must be able to authorize or deny consent to the installation of profiling cookies if they are present.

In the case of third-party cookies, the site does not have direct control over individual cookies and cannot control them (neither install them directly nor delete them). However, you can still manage these cookies through your browser settings (follow the instructions below) or through the sites indicated in the “Cookie Management” section.

The user is therefore invited to check on the website of the third party indicated below.

Cookies Installed on This Site

Here is the list of cookies (logically grouped by functionality or provider) present on the website. Third-party cookies include a link to the privacy policy of the respective external provider, where you can find a detailed description of each cookie and how they are processed.

Google Analytics

These are tracking cookies used to generate statistics on website usage. Google Analytics uses cookies on our site that do not store personal data and are stored on the user’s computer to allow the website manager to analyze how users use the site. We have implemented tools that reduce the identifying power of cookies by masking significant portions of the IP address. To prevent the storage of these cookies, users can download the appropriate add-on available at the following link: [](

Google AdWords/AdSense

This is a service provided by Google Inc. It is Google’s advertising platform that allows the publication of text, image, and video ads on search results pages and on sites in the Google content network. Our website uses Google AdWords solely to promote its services on the web. Additionally, it uses remarketing services that allow ads to be displayed to users who have already visited this website while browsing the internet. For more information, please visit [](

Google Tag Manager

Allows for the implementation of Google Analytics using either the Universal Analytics tag or the classic version of the tag. For more information, please visit [](

Google AJAX Search API

Is a JavaScript library that enables the integration of Google’s search bar into web pages or other online applications. For further information, please refer to [](


Pinterest uses cookies to offer users sharing functionality on their boards. For more information, please refer to [](


Twitter uses cookies to provide users with sharing functionality on their timeline. For more information, please refer to [](


Facebook uses cookies to offer users sharing and “like” functionality on their timeline. For more information, please refer to []( There are profiling cookies on our website.

Cookie duration

Cookies have a duration determined by the expiration date (or by a specific action such as closing the browser) set at the time of installation. Cookies can be:

  1. Temporary or session cookies: These are used to store temporary information, allowing to link actions performed during a specific session and are removed from the computer when the browser is closed.
  2. Permanent cookies: These are used to store information, such as login name and password, to avoid the user having to enter them again each time they visit a specific site. These remain stored on the computer even after closing the browser.

The so-called session cookies, once the connection to this website is terminated, are not stored. The computer systems used for this website utilize both temporary and permanent cookies.

Cookies management

You can disable cookies on websites by downloading specific software such as Ghostery for your browser and disabling the use of individual cookies. Alternatively, you can activate “anonymous browsing” mode – a feature that allows you to browse without leaving any trace of browsing data in the browser. This function only prevents browsing data from being stored in the browser.

Alternatively, you can disable/delete cookies by accessing the configuration panel of your browser.

Other instructions on how to disable cookies:

Furthermore, you can find below the instructions to disable cookies:

  1. If you use Internet Explorer: [click here](
  2. If you use Chrome: [click here](
  3. If you use Firefox: [click here](
  4. If you use Safari on iPad, iPhone, iPod: [click here](
  5. If you use other browsers: [click here](“)


To learn how to activate the option on the main search engines, click on the browser you use:

  1. Internet Explorer ([click here](,
  2. Google Chrome ([click here](,
  3. Mozilla Firefox ([click here]( anonima)),
  4. Opera Browser ([click here](,
  5. Apple Safari ([click here](


By using this Site, the User indicates their acceptance of this privacy policy. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not use our Site. Continued use of the Site after the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed as acceptance of those changes.